The Debrief Part II

The return of the real Finni

*blib* *tsk-tsk-tsk* *pshisch* the cryo-chamber was an old one, but a functional one. With the Battle of Duna behind them, KSC was giving the debrief of Finni a second chance, hoping there would not be any lasting effects.

He blinked as he opened his eyes, “Finni?” Elifal asked. He nodded, “I’m here, it is gone.” Elifal and Melly didn’t need much more to release Finni from his stasis chamber, freshen him up and stick him in the Lowne that was still parked at the station’s orbital workshop.

“So I am away for a little over a year and you guys develop an SSTO plane?” He looked puzzled. “No offense but you don’t look like a test pilot, lady.” Apparently, his wits were back too. Most of the systems on the Lowne were automated and despite Jeb’s reassurement that the craft could land on a parachute, he was not feeling that safe.

That was not a crazy thought since designers had not just forgotten the solar panels, but also the parachute. However, the design had great similarities with the flight profile of the Castor and so no problems to land.


“Grab some rest, Sir, we will fly you out to KSC in the morning, and debrief is scheduled for 1100 hours.” Ground control had taken over from Elifal who had all in all learned very little.

A trip down memory lane


Gene and Admiral Forester had asked for a private debrief, given the sensitivity of the information and the wellbeing of the kerbinaut in question. Finni pulled up some images and drawings he had made on the way down.


“Let me start with the famous drawing of Rover 6428,” Finni began. “Like you, all are aware it shows Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn fighting the Kraken, the drawing is actually quite accurate.”

“The Kraken are an ancient race, originating from the first planet that orbits a neutron star.” He started his debrief, “they are not particularly advanced, except for their ability to control others.” He shook his head, “I can still hear the echo’s when it controlled me we shared thoughts and I’ve seen its story.”


“Take your time son,” Gene said in a fatherly voice when the young kerbonaut hesitated. “They were visited by another race, a race that landed on their planet and got assimilated by them, possessed, even physically inhabited.” It looked like Finni had been there. “The took off in their ships, gravitic based, much like the Manley.”


“Only a few could leave, but their planet was dying and so the Kraken became a scavenger race.” Admiral Forester interrupted, “when are we coming back to the present?” Finni ignored her. “They captured several vessels and tried to combine technologies, often with disastrous consequences, since they had no idea what they were doing. It was like a kro-magnon Kerbal trying to pilot a rocketship.” Finni continued, “they relied on slave labor to build more ships, gather resources, and conquer new places.”


“This is a sketch I made of an encounter they had, not all of them were successful, you know? some races fought back and refused to be conquered, but many failed. In the end, each Kraken was given a region of space, or some moons to play God on.”


“What about the wormhole?” Gene asked. Finni sighed and walked towards the wall. “I’m not sure where they obtained that technology, but they did create the wormhole.” He seemed to lose the memory of it as he spoke about it. “The Jool system was key to them, they could travel to a nexus, somewhere like a central bus station, where you can change lines.” Admiral Forester didn’t like the sound of that. “The space was contested though, several races pushed back on them, though not very successful. In our solar system, the resistance was low, well at least at first, simply because the inhabitants had just invented the wheel.”

Gene looked at Finni, “What does that have to do with the painting?” he asked. “Dr. Erilorf was right, the Kraken was pushed back by Tut-Un Jeb-Ahn who destroyed the access to the wormhole.” The Admiral looked irritated, “we already know this!” Finni continued, “He also drove the what Lord Malbek,” he shivered at the name, “called the regulator” from the third moon to the fourth of Jool, mortally wounded. I am not sure why the location of Vall would be that important though.”


“A colony of slaves on Duna revolted and Malbek destroyed the environmental systems, unlike us, the Kraken can live and hibernate for an eternity. Malbek believed he was the last Kraken in our system and he longed to return to his brethren on the other side of the wormhole so that he could avenge his fellow Krakens and cull the local population,” Finni looked depressed, “It’s thoughts, not mine.”

“Thanks, Son, take as long off as you need. We’ll help you to get through this.” Gene said, before turning to Admiral Forester, “Admiral, we need to speed up the development of the NX-10.”

Finni looked at them with glazed eyes, “taking time off, might not fix this,” he said to himself.

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